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C Language

Meaning :

C is a high level object oriented structured programming language . It is developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972

Types of C language are Turbo C, Ansi C, Borland C.

Compiler of C language are : C++, Gcc


Features:        (i) It is portable language.      

(ii) It is standard and general purpose programming language.

(iii)  It is middle level language since, it is closer to machine level and high level language.

Use/Application: C language is used to develop system program as well as machine based application.

Data type : char, int, float, double

Variable : Variable is an identifier of  data stored in computer memory.

Operator :Operator is sign or symbol that is used to calculate between two or more variables or operands in the program. C supports the following types of operators.

(i)                 Arithmetic operator [ +,-, *, /, ^, % ]

(ii)               Relational Operator [ >, <, >=, <=, ==, !=]

(iii)              Logical Operator [&&, ||, ! ]


Keyword : Keyword is the reserved word which has special meaning in program .C supports 32 keywords.

                   Eg. Int, if, for, do, switch etc. 

Difference between C and Qbasic language:

(i)                 C language  has only 32 keywords but Qbasic has more than 189 keywords.

(ii)               C language supports only function module but Qbasic supports both function and sub modules.